What we Offer
Collaborate with the free easyYES platforms to build Propsperous Communities. Artificial Intelligence solves seven common business problems.
- Collaborate for Prosperity
- No Money Down
- No Time Wasted
- More Customers
- Trust Building
- No Intermediaries
- Global Growth
- Social Defense
Who Benefits?
7 ways to Benefit and receive Incentives.
Raise Capital – Asset Protection – Legal Defense – Personnel – Marketing – IT Security – Operations
Small businesses can share costs and have the same Big business Management Areas.
Collaboration frees time for business owners to concentrate on giving better customer service
easyYES.com includes in multi-site cross promotions all the small business websites.
Small Businesses earn higher profits by operating in free markets with True Advertising.
In 2024 Businesses expect more Market manipulation and controlled demolition of Global economies.
Most People are looking for ways to protect their assets and their freedom.
It is necessary to bypass Currency and Liquidity controls by Banks and Governments.

- Register to experiment with a free and easy to use phone app. Get discounts from local supermarkets, shops, restaurants and businesses that accept Bitcoin.
- A fun way for Users to make extra money is to play the simple and easy online Game of “3 Dozen by12 Dozen”. This is how the game is played.
- Event organizers select 12 people to learn how to win $3 in Bitcoin and teach within 5 minutes how to use it . The 12 recruits will teach 12 others in the same way.
- The calculation shows that 12 x 12 x 12 = 1,728 will be the very first Early Bitcoin Adopters in their Region. As a reward, the Users can offer to their favorite businesses advertising for $1 only. They keep all the money and can charge more if they become spokes-people for a business.List Item
- Young people using the easyYES platform in Social Media become entrepreneurs very fast
- Together with friends and family they become early Bitcoin adopters. Their next step is to help their favorite businesses make more money. For $1 they offer them local advertising that costs 30 times as much.
- This is how everybody earns extra income and saves money on anything they buy.
- Communities create Global appeal and attract Tourism by organizing interesting events. List Item
- Good Examples are Concerts, Theatrical Plays, Sports, Farmers Markets, Flea Markets, Fishing, Water Sports, Medical, Real Estate and Adventure Adventure Tourism.
- Young people together with friends and family become the Early Bitcoin adopters. Their next step is to help their favorite businesses make more money. For $1 they offer them local advertising that costs 30 times as much.ist Item
- Reputation building with cross-promotions of Local Events makes business development easier. List Item
- Innovators have dedicated their life to creating solutions that are benefiting the world.
- Communities experience economic growth when they issue permits to disruptive innovation projects.
- United Community Members can block the enforcement of regulations that delay beneficial technologies.
- Individuals protect their Assets in Jurisdictions with strong Privacy and Property Laws.
- A well functioning Judicial System with efficient enforcement process is also necessary.
- These professionals are responsible for Assets that belong to pensioners and retail investors.
- They have experience managing large amounts of money and have liquidity. Their reputation depends on making investments with low risk and high returns. They will funnel Liquidity to Private, Self-directed, High Profit/Low Risk Diversified Projects.
- They insist on accountable regulators and stable currencies. Unrestrained government spending and rogue regulators pose serious threats.
- They are the real Heroes of making changes towards prosperity from within the system.
- They give early warnings for local authorities to prevent the planned catastrophic events.
Why Join?
Join the easyYES Platforms on your terms.

Common Financial Incentives:
- You will get your own FREE Private Bitcoin wallet
- You will receive Bitcoin Discounts for Products and Services sold by Collaborating vendors
- You may either spend your accumulated Discounts or use them to expand your own business
- You will receive Rewards for Promoting Bitcoin to friends, family, neighbors and shops
- You will offer Free Advertising to business people who Accept, Buy or Sell Bitcoin
- You will make money helping others succeed by using the easyYES Platforms.
- Collaborating with others will promote your community Projects to Global Markets
- You will receive finder's fees from foreign investments in disruptive Innovation projects
- You can collaborate with local professionals and governments to invite foreign investors
- You can Collaborate with voters and Lawyers to issue permits for community investments
How it Works?
To become prosperous, billions of productive people in 300000 Global regions need mentorship.
Hundreds of thousands Industry Specialists spent their life discovering solutions that bring prosperity.
Strategic planning stimulates Local economies towards prosperity and exponential global growth of prosperity.
Many Global regions have Collaborators with strong incentives to stop government overreach.
This is how communities unite to become prosperous with private Investment and Mentorship.
AI Research tools scour social media in thousands of Local markets. They discover exciting Products, Services and Effective Marketing Campaigns.
Local Collaborators Cross-promote to multiply the effectiveness of their TikTok, Instagram, Telegram and other media of communication.
Global Reach starts with Local Marketing of small businesses developing their reputation. They develop a competitive edge and can collaborate to gain international market share.
Operational Efficiency
Collaborators start achieving economies of scale right from the buying stages.
Local assembly of components and inventory of key replacement parts helps control costs.
Local Service, Guarantees and Just-in-time distribution wins over customers.
easyYES Platforms empower small manufacturers to take back their business from Centralized factories.
Professional Service Partnerships
Small Business Collaborators have confidence to delegate complicated tasks to their professional client-Partners.
Self regulated Community members protect themselves making alliances with local specialists.
Included are Professionals involved in Finance, Law, Healthcare, Engineering and every reputable participant.
P2P Foreign and Local Investment
Collaborators gain access to International Experts in Disruptive innovation technologies.
The easyYES Artificial Intelligence Lobby platforms guide Lawyers to leverage local voting power for the quick procurement of Permits to Operate.
For this reason P2P Investors are eager to take part in the Real Estate Startup Accelerators.
Diversification for Asset Protection
Bitcoin Transactions offer the ultimate in Trust Guarantees.
Tokenized Assets are Refundable at any stage.
Immutable Distributed Ledgers on Transparent Blockchains have Strong end-to-end encryption.
High levels of data Privacy prevent hacking by governments and other criminals.
Zero risk tolerance Investments are possible with Diversification in Decentralized Projects and Locations.
Co-create A Ruling Class that Cares
Trustworthy Local Lawyer-Partners have strong financial incentives to protect from government overreach.
Foreign investors and local voters have vested interests to fight against the government.
Where to Collaborate?
Disruptive Innovation Projects are successfully implemented at various stages of development across the globe.
Collaborators have Options to Diversify by Project and Geographic Location.
The following Projects are still under Development in Beta stages.
Collaborators are invited to participate and provide opinions and comments to become the early adopters that will derive the most benefits.
This limited time opportunity gives a head start to anyone who is willing to take immediate action and claim the best areas before the platforms are released to the general public.

The ABCs of Making Money with your Free Bitcoin Wallet

The Free Local Classified Listing is your Gateway to Succeed Globally

100x ROI Real Estate Anchored Startup Accelerators

AI matches Sellers with Buyers to reduce costs and risks

Is Owner Operated by Autonomous Local Lawyers

Collaborate with Lawyers using the Carrot-and-Stick Approach

Predictive Analytics based on Mythology

Publish Local Opportunities

Humanity will never Prosper when so may people are left behind

Players Win Profits that they spend in the Real World

Students from all Nations unite to build the Bridges of Global Prosperity

No holds barred when Decentralized Healthcare becomes Precise and Affordable
100x ROI Disruptive Innovation Startup Accelerators

Robotics is the Future of Work

Precise Medicine with Stem Cell Therapies and Gene Editing

Organic AI Sensor Agriculture

Artisanal Mining

Small Nuclear Reactors

3D Printing with Nanotech Composites


Offshore Energy, Fish Farming and Housing
Select the level you find interesting to get started with one or more of the platforms.
There are no founders or owners that use the Open Source AI , Disruptive Hi-Tec and BlockChain Technologies. The Open Source solutions are freely available for anyone to use.

Autonomous Collaborators within the easyYES.com Decentralized Ecosystems
will learn how easy it is to let go of Scarcity Consciousness.
With an Abundance state of mind your priorities will effortlessly shift towards helping others succeed.
Any productive contributor is welcomed to receive and give help to those who need it the most.
As the world shifts towards the new reality, the inevitable outcome is prosperous communities
We do not have any beautiful words to convince you. We all have an open heart willing to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Beta Platforms allows you to test and use the platforms for FREE.
You don’t need to be a developer or a designer to use the easyYES AI Platforms. Anyone can register and start using our Platforms. If you do find yourself needing some help, feel free to reach out to our support team through our Contact page.
Yes, all our easyYES AI platforms are free and we encourage you to test and try everything!
All you need to use easyYES AI platforms is an internet connection or a mobile phone. Register for free now!
We encourage you to use your discounts all the time. Be assured that your discounts are safe and never expire.
You can reach us by emailing us in our Contact Us page or by Registering.
Get In touch
Email Us
available from 10 am to 6 pm
Email git@easyyes.com