Money Disinterested Money Disinterested
Neutral Money Neutral
Interested Money Interested
Hobbies Disinterested Hobbies Disinterested
Neutral Hobbies Neutral
Interested Hobbies Interested
Health Disinterested Health Disinterested
Neutral Health Neutral
Interested Health Interested
Fitness Disinterested Fitness Disinterested
Neutral Fitness Neutral
Interested Fitness Interested
Making a Difference Disinterested Making a Difference Disinterested
Neutral Making a Difference Neutral
Interested Making a Difference Interested
Climate Disinterested Climate Disinterested
Neutral Climate Neutral
Interested Climate Interested
Where you Live Disinterested Where you Live Disinterested
Neutral Where you Live Neutral
Interested Where you Live Interested
Animals and Pets Disinterested Animals and Pets Disinterested
Neutral Animals and Pets Neutral
Interested Animals and Pets Interested
Spouse Disinterested Spouse Disinterested
Neutral Spouse Neutral
Interested Spouse Interested
Children Disinterested Children Disinterested
Neutral Children Neutral
Interested Children Interested
Family Disinterested Family Disinterested
Neutral Family Neutral
Interested Family Interested
Friends Disinterested Friends Disinterested
Neutral Friends Neutral
Interested Friends Interested
Car or Boat Disinterested Car or Boat Disinterested
Neutral Car or Boat Neutral
Interested Car or Boat Interested
Recreational Pursuits Disinterested Recreational Pursuits Disinterested
Neutral Recreational Pursuits Neutral
Interested Recreational Pursuits Interested
Time with People I Love Disinterested Time with People I Love Disinterested
Neutral Time with People I Love Neutral
Interested Time with People I Love Interested
Opportunities Disinterested Opportunities Disinterested
Neutral Opportunities Neutral
Interested Opportunities Interested
Volunteering Disinterested Volunteering Disinterested
Neutral Volunteering Neutral
Interested Volunteering Interested
Charity/A Cause Disinterested Charity/A Cause Disinterested
Neutral Charity/A Cause Neutral
Interested Charity/A Cause Interested
Power Disinterested Power Disinterested
Neutral Power Neutral
Interested Power Interested
Independence/Freedom Disinterested Independence/Freedom Disinterested
Neutral Independence/Freedom Neutral
Interested Independence/Freedom Interested
Achievement Disinterested Achievement Disinterested
Neutral Achievement Neutral
Interested Achievement Interested
Living Ecologically Disinterested Living Ecologically Disinterested
Neutral Living Ecologically Neutral
Interested Living Ecologically Interested